From Data Sheets to Real World: A Practical Guide to Material Properties

Series Post #3: Understanding Compressive Properties

In the realm of mechanical properties, tensile properties often take the spotlight, focusing on how materials behave under tension or when subjected to pulling forces. However, the compressive properties of materials are equally crucial, as they dictate how materials respond to forces that push, squeeze, or compress them. These properties are essential in various applications, including structural supports, seals, gaskets, and cushioning components, where the ability to withstand compressive forces is paramount. Understanding compressive strength provides valuable insights into the material’s performance and durability under load-bearing conditions.

Key Compressive Properties

When evaluating materials for their performance under compressive loads, three typical results commonly appear on data sheets: compressive strength, compressive modulus, and compression set. These properties are critical for understanding how a material will behave under pressure. To ensure accuracy and consistency in these measurements, industry standards dictate the testing equipment and processes used. Below are those typical standards:

  1. Compressive Strength: This measures the maximum compressive stress a material can withstand before failure. In the case of rubbers and plastics, ASTM D695 is widely used for assessing compressive strength in rigid plastics, while ASTM D575 is commonly employed for non-rigid materials like rubber.
  2. Compressive Modulus: Also known as the modulus of elasticity in compression, this property indicates the stiffness of a material under compressive load. It is crucial for applications where maintaining shape and structural integrity is essential. The same ASTM standards (D695 for plastics and D575 for rubbers) are often used to determine compressive modulus.
  3. Compression Set: This property measures a material’s ability to return to its original thickness after being compressed and released. It is particularly important for materials used in sealing applications, where permanent deformation could lead to leaks or failure. ASTM D395 is a commonly referenced standard for evaluating the compression set of rubber materials.

Testing Equipment, Process, and Measurement

Compressive Strength

Equipment and Setup:

  • universal testing machine equipped with compression platens is used. The machine applies a compressive force to the specimen, which is typically a block or cylinder.
  • Specimens are aligned in a compression fixture to ensure precise axis alignment with the machine’s piston.


The specimen is compressed at a uniform rate until failure occurs. This failure change can manifest in different ways depending on the material’s characteristics:

  1. Fracture or Cracking: For brittle materials, such as ceramics or some rigid plastics, failure often occurs when the material fractures or cracks under the compressive load. This type of failure is characterized by a sudden breakage and is typically associated with a well-defined compressive strength value.
  2. Permanent Deformation: In more ductile materials, such as some plastics and rubbers, failure may not involve a clear fracture. Instead, these materials may deform irreversibly beyond a certain point, indicating failure. The compressive strength in such cases might be defined by the degree of deformation that is considered unacceptable for the intended application.
  3. Flattening: Some materials, particularly certain plastics, may continue to deform under compression without a distinct fracture point. These materials might eventually flatten into a disk shape, with compressive stress increasing steadily. In such cases, compressive strength is an arbitrary measure based on the level of distortion that signifies failure.

The specific criteria for failure in a compressive strength test depend on the material’s intended use and the testing standards applied, such as ASTM D695 for rigid plastics and ASTM D575 for rubber. These standards help define what constitutes failure and ensure consistent measurement across different materials and applications.


  • Compressive Strength is calculated as the maximum compressive load divided by the minimum cross-sectional area of the specimen.


  • CS is the compressive strength, typically expressed in units such as pascals (Pa) or megapascals (MPa).
  • CF is the compressive force applied to the material at the point of failure, measured in newtons (N).
  • A is the cross-sectional area of the material resisting the load, measured in square meters (m²) or square millimeters (mm²).

Compressive Modulus

  • The compressive modulus, or modulus of elasticity in compression, is derived from the initial linear portion of the stress-strain curve obtained during compressive strength testing. It indicates the material’s stiffness under compressive load.

Compression Set

Equipment and Setup: 

  • Method A: Uses a spring to apply constant force.

ASTM D395 Test Method A

  • Method B: Uses screws to maintain constant deflection. Fixtures may be placed in an environmental chamber for conditioning.


    • Method A: The specimen is compressed by a spring for a set period and then allowed to recover.
    • Method B: The specimen is compressed to a specific deflection and maintained for a set time, often at elevated temperatures.

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  • The compression set is calculated as a percentage of the original thickness that is permanently lost after the test. It is given by the formula:

A black text on a white background Description automatically generated

    • Where to​ is the original thickness, and ti​ is the thickness after testing

The Critical Importance of Compressive Properties: Top-Performing Compounds and Real-World Case Studies

Compressive Strength

Compressive strength is especially important in applications where materials must bear substantial loads without breaking or collapsing. Materials with high compressive strength can resist these forces and maintain their structural integrity, making them ideal for load-bearing components that must endure constant or cyclical compression. Conversely, materials with insufficient compressive strength may fail under load, leading to catastrophic consequences in structural applications.

Top Plastic Materials with High Compressive Strength

Polyetheretherketone (PEEK): PEEK is renowned for its outstanding mechanical properties, including a high compressive strength. It is widely used in applications where durability under extreme conditions is essential, such as in aerospace, automotive, and medical devices.

Polyamide-imide (PAI): PAI exhibits excellent compressive strength, making it suitable for high-performance applications like aerospace and industrial machinery. It maintains its mechanical integrity even at high temperatures and under heavy loads.

Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS): PPS is known for its high compressive strength and is often used in applications requiring resistance to high pressures and temperatures, such as in automotive components and electronic parts.

Ultem (Polyetherimide, PEI): Ultem offers high compressive strength along with excellent thermal and chemical resistance. It is commonly used in medical devices, aerospace, and electrical insulation applications.

Nylon (Polyamide): Nylon, particularly glass-filled grades, has a good balance of compressive strength, toughness, and flexibility. It is used in various mechanical components like gears, bearings, and bushings where compression resistance is crucial.

High-Compressive Strength Engineering Applications

Valve Seats in Oil and Gas Equipment

  • Material: Polyetheretherketone (PEEK)
  • Application Details:
    • Engineering Context: Valve seats in oil and gas equipment are subjected to extreme pressures and high temperatures. These components need to maintain their shape and integrity to ensure the proper functioning of the valve under harsh conditions.
    • Compressive Property Relevance: PEEK’s high compressive strength ensures that the valve seat can withstand the intense pressures encountered during drilling and extraction operations without deforming. The high compressive modulus further guarantees that the seat retains its precise dimensions, preventing leaks and maintaining efficient flow control.

Bushings in Automotive Suspension Systems

  • Material: Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)
  • Application Details:
    • Engineering Context: Bushings in automotive suspension systems are subjected to compressive forces as they absorb shocks and maintain alignment between suspension components. These bushings must resist deformation to ensure proper vehicle handling and comfort.
    • Compressive Property Relevance: PPS is selected for its high compressive strength and modulus, which ensure that the bushings can absorb shocks without flattening or losing their shape. This stability under compression helps maintain the alignment and performance of the suspension system over time.

Compressive modulus

Compressive modulus is particularly important in applications where maintaining dimensional stability is crucial. Materials with a high compressive modulus are stiffer and resist deformation, making them ideal for structural components that must support loads without bending or compressing excessively. Conversely, materials with a lower compressive modulus are more flexible and may be suitable for applications where some degree of deformation is acceptable or even desired.

By selecting materials with the appropriate compressive modulus, engineers can ensure that components will perform as expected under compressive loads, maintaining their shape and function over time. This is especially important in precision engineering, where even slight deformations can lead to failures or malfunctions.

Top Plastic Materials with the Best Compressive Modulus

  1. Polyetheretherketone (PEEK): PEEK is one of the highest-performing engineering thermoplastics, offering a high compressive modulus along with excellent mechanical properties, including high tensile strength and chemical resistance. It is often used in demanding applications like aerospace and medical devices due to its stability under high pressure and temperature conditions.
  2. Polyamide-imide (PAI): PAI, known for its exceptional mechanical properties, has one of the highest compressive moduli among plastics. It is used in applications requiring high stiffness and resistance to thermal and chemical degradation, such as in internal combustion engines and jet engines.
  3. Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS): PPS is another high-performance plastic known for its rigidity and ability to withstand high pressures without deforming. It is widely used in automotive and industrial applications where both high compressive strength and modulus are essential.

High-Compressive Modulus Engineering Applications

Spacers in High-Performance Electronics

  • Material: Polyimide-imide (PAI)
  • Engineering Application:
    • Context: Spacers in high-performance electronics, such as circuit boards or semiconductor devices, are used to maintain precise gaps between components. These spacers are subjected to compressive forces as the components are assembled and operated.
    • Compressive Modulus Relevance: The high compressive modulus of Polyimide-imide ensures that the spacers maintain their thickness and do not compress, which is crucial for preserving the integrity of the electronic components and preventing short circuits or other failures.

Compression set

Compression set is especially critical in applications where rubber components must provide a long-lasting seal or cushion. If a rubber material exhibits a high compression set, it means that the material will not fully recover after being compressed, leading to a permanent deformation. This can result in leaks, loss of pressure, or failure of the component to provide the necessary cushioning or isolation. In contrast, a rubber with a low compression set will return to its original shape more effectively, ensuring that the seal or cushion remains intact and functional over extended periods.

By selecting materials with an appropriate compression set, engineers can design components that maintain their performance and integrity, even after prolonged exposure to compressive forces. This is particularly important in applications where a reliable seal or consistent cushioning is essential for safety and efficiency.

Rubber materials with excellent compression set resistance

  1. Silicone Rubber (VMQ): Silicone rubber consistently demonstrates excellent resistance to compression set, especially at high temperatures. It remains highly elastic and is commonly used in applications where maintaining a seal under compression is critical, such as in gaskets and seals in the automotive and aerospace industries.
  2. Fluoroelastomers (FKM, Viton™): Fluoroelastomers, particularly Viton™, are well-known for their low compression set, especially under high-temperature conditions. They are widely used in harsh environments where both chemical resistance and durability are required, such as in fuel system seals and o-rings.
  3. Fluorosilicone (FVMQ): Fluorosilicone offers low compression set similar to silicone but with added chemical resistance. This makes it ideal for applications where the material is exposed to fuels, oils, and other chemicals while still needing to maintain elasticity and sealing capabilities.

Low Compression Set Engineering Applications

Fuel System Seals in Aircraft

  • Material: Fluorosilicone (FVMQ)
  • Engineering Application:
    • Context: In aircraft fuel systems, seals must maintain their integrity and flexibility despite exposure to fuel, oil, and extreme temperature variations during flight. The seals are critical for preventing leaks that could lead to fuel loss or, in worse cases, fire hazards.
    • Compression Set Relevance: Fluorosilicone is chosen for these seals due to its excellent resistance to fuel and oil, combined with its low compression set properties. This ensures that the seals can recover their original shape after compression, maintaining a reliable seal over time. The material’s ability to withstand a wide temperature range, from extreme cold at high altitudes to the heat generated by the engine and environmental conditions, further ensures that the seals perform consistently and safely.


In conclusion, the compressive properties of materials are critical in determining their performance under load-bearing conditions. Indeed, high compressive strength ensures resistance to breaking or collapsing, while a high compressive modulus indicates strong dimensional stability. Moreover, a low compression set is crucial for sealing materials, as it allows them to return to their original shape after compression, ensuring long-term sealing effectiveness.

The next section of this series we will delve into Flexural Strength, another vital mechanical property that determines how well a material can resist deformation under a bending force. This property is especially crucial in applications where components are subject to bending stresses, such as beams, panels, and structural elements. Let’s explore how different materials measure up in terms of their flexural strength and what that means for their practical applications.


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