From Data Sheets to Real World: A Practical Guide to Material Properties

Series Post #4: Understanding Flexural Properties

Welcome back to the next installment of our ongoing saga, “From Data Sheets to the Real World: A Practical Guide to Material Properties.” If you’ve stuck around this long, you probably love digging into technical details as much as I do—and maybe you’ve even started seeing material data sheets in your dreams.

In this post, we’re diving into flexural properties, a topic that often gets overshadowed by its more famous cousin, tensile strength. But here’s the deal: just because a material can handle a good pull doesn’t mean it won’t buckle under bending. We’ll be exploring why flexural strength and modulus matter just as much (if not more) in the real world and how they play a critical role in everything from aircraft wings to automotive suspensions. So, grab your coffee (or your favorite energy drink) and let’s get practical with those data sheets!

Why You Can’t Rely on Tensile Strength Alone

Tensile strength is an important property, but it primarily measures how a material responds to pulling or stretching forces. While you might assume that a material with high tensile strength will also perform well under bending, this is not always the case. Flexural strength accounts for a combination of both tension and compression forces that occur simultaneously when a material is bent.

What are Flexural Stresses / Bending Stresses - YouTube

In a bending scenario, the top surface of the material is subjected to compression while the bottom surface is under tension. Materials that excel in tensile strength might not handle the compression side of bending forces well, leading to failure. For instance, a material that stretches well in tension might crack or deform when bent, which is why flexural strength provides a more complete picture of how the material will behave under real-world bending stresses. In many cases, brittle materials like ceramics or even some plastics can exhibit strong tensile properties but fail quickly when subjected to bending forces.

Materials Commonly Tested for Flexural Strength

Testing for flexural strength is often conducted on plastics, composites, and other rigid materials that are more prone to bending under load but may fail if their limits are exceeded. For example, plastics and composites, which are widely used in industries like automotive and aerospace, must endure bending stresses without cracking or deforming. Composites such as fiberglass or carbon fiber are reinforced specifically to handle these loads and undergo flexural testing to ensure durability in practical applications.

In contrast, highly flexible materials like rubber aren’t typically tested for flexural strength. Since these materials are designed to bend and stretch without breaking, properties like tensile strength and elongation become more relevant to evaluate their performance.

How Flexural Properties Are Tested

Flexural properties are typically tested using either the three-point bend test or the four-point bend test. These methods involve placing a sample material on two supports and applying a force at one (three-point) or two (four-point) locations on the sample until it bends or breaks. These tests measure how the material responds to bending forces, simulating real-world conditions where the material would be subjected to stress.

  1. Three-Point Bend Test:
    • In this test, the sample is placed on two support points, and a force is applied at the midpoint. The goal is to measure the force required to bend the sample and how much it bends before breaking or deforming.

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  1. Four-Point Bend Test:
    • Similar to the three-point test, but here, two forces are applied closer to the center of the sample, and the stress is spread more evenly over a larger area. This is especially useful for materials that exhibit significant plastic deformation before breaking.

Flexural strength tests of ceramics [SubsTech]

The tests result in two primary measurements:

  • Flexural Strength: This indicates the maximum stress the material can withstand before it breaks under bending. A higher flexural strength number indicates that a material can withstand greater bending forces before breaking or deforming, making it ideal for applications that require durability under load, such as beams or structural components.
  • Flexural Modulus: This measures the stiffness of the material, or how much it resists bending before permanent deformation occurs. A higher flexural modulus number represents a stiffer material, meaning it resists bending and flexing more effectively under stress.

Key Failure Considerations of Flexural Strength and Modulus in Engineering Applications

Flexural Stress

An airplane wing in the sky Description automatically generated

In aerospace engineering, particularly in the design of aircraft wings, both flexural strength and flexural modulus are critical factors. Aircraft wings constantly endure bending forces due to lift and turbulence during flight. If materials like aluminum alloys or carbon-fiber composites lack sufficient flexural strength, they can fracture under these stresses. Meanwhile, a high flexural modulus ensures that the material doesn’t excessively bend, helping to maintain the stiffness needed for aerodynamic efficiency. While flexural strength prevents the wings from breaking under stress, flexural modulus ensures the wings retain their shape and don’t deflect too much.

Cyclic Loading and Fatigue

In automotive suspension systems, materials face repeated bending forces that can lead to fatigue failure over time. Even if a material has adequate flexural strength to withstand individual cycles of stress, the cumulative effect of cyclic loading can cause it to weaken. Flexural modulus is just as important here—materials with a high modulus resist bending and deflecting during each cycle, helping to reduce the wear caused by constant use. For example, carbon fiber-reinforced composites, prized for their high flexural strength and modulus, are ideal for suspension components because they resist both fatigue and bending, extending the lifespan of the system and improving overall vehicle durability.

Crack Propagation

In wind turbine blades, which are often made from composite materials, both flexural strength and flexural modulus are vital for preventing crack propagation. High flexural strength helps resist the formation of cracks from continuous bending forces, while flexural modulus determines how much the material bends under stress. A material with a high modulus remains stiff, minimizing deformation and lowering the risk of cracks forming. However, even if a crack forms, materials with high stiffness but low fracture toughness may see cracks spread quickly, leading to potential catastrophic failure. That’s why engineers must balance high flexural strength to avoid cracks and a high flexural modulus to maintain stiffness, ensuring the long-term reliability of turbine blades under harsh operational conditions.

High-Performance Flexural Materials

Carbon Fiber Composites: Carbon fiber reinforced polymers are known for their outstanding combination of high flexural modulus, ranging from 70,000 to over 150,000 MPa, and exceptional strength-to-weight ratio. The high modulus is a result of the carbon fiber’s inherent stiffness, which minimizes deflection under load, while the low weight makes these composites ideal for aerospace, automotive, and sports equipment applications where minimizing mass is critical for performance and fuel efficiency. Additionally, the tunability of fiber orientation and resin type allows engineers to tailor the material’s properties to specific applications, optimizing stiffness and flexural strength for demanding structural components.

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G10 Fiberglass: G10 is a high-pressure laminate that offers a flexural modulus of around 20,000 MPa, delivering a unique combination of mechanical strength, electrical insulation, and chemical resistance. Its thermoset matrix ensures that the material retains rigidity and strength even at high temperatures or in chemically aggressive environments, making it a go-to choice for electrical applications, structural components, and marine environments. The robustness of G10 also makes it ideal for applications where dimensional stability is critical under load.

Fiber-Reinforced Nylon 12: With a flexural modulus of 13,700 MPa, fiber-reinforced Nylon 12 is prized for its excellent resistance to bending and deformation, combining the inherent flexibility and toughness of nylon with the rigidity added by the fibers. This balance makes it suitable for automotive components, gears, and industrial parts that need to maintain performance under constant mechanical stress while resisting impact and wear. Its moisture resistance further enhances its stability in humid environments, making it a versatile material for various mechanical applications.

Ultem® (Polyetherimide): Ultem® stands out due to its high flexural modulus of 151.7 MPa and its ability to maintain stiffness and strength at elevated temperatures up to 200°C (392°F). This thermal stability, combined with inherent flame resistance and excellent processability, makes Ultem® ideal for high-temperature applications in the electronics, medical, and aerospace sectors. Its predictable mechanical performance under both thermal and mechanical loads allows for reliable long-term usage in critical applications where both safety and durability are essential.

Sheet Moulded Compound (SMC) and Dough Moulded Compound (DMC): These materials are noted for their high flexural modulus, excellent dimensional stability, and high distortion temperature, making them superior to many conventional plastics in structural applications. Used primarily in automotive body panels, electrical housings, and industrial components, SMC and DMC combine low shrinkagechemical resistance, and good surface finish with high stiffness. Their ability to maintain structural integrity under stress while resisting warping and thermal distortion makes them highly valuable in demanding environments where strength, durability, and precision are crucial.

Unique Insights into Flexural Properties

When it comes to flexural properties, there are several fascinating factors and techniques that engineers can leverage to optimize a material’s performance. From adjusting the composition of a material to understanding its response in unique environments, the flexural properties of materials can be finely tuned to meet specific application needs. Here are some unique insights and considerations related to flexural properties:

1. Tailoring Flexural Properties with Fiber Orientation:

In composite materials like carbon fiber, the orientation of the fibers has a profound impact on flexural strength and modulus. Unidirectional composites exhibit extremely high flexural modulus along the fiber direction, while multi-directional layups provide more balanced properties across different stress axes. This ability to customize fiber orientation allows engineers to tailor the material’s performance to specific applications, such as aircraft wings or racing bike frames, where different forces act in multiple directions.

2. Enhancing Flexural Properties with Additives and Fillers:

Incorporating fillers like glass fibers or carbon fibers into a plastic matrix significantly improves both flexural strength and modulus. These fibers increase the material’s stiffness and resistance to bending forces, making reinforced plastics ideal for automotive and industrial applications where high mechanical stress and load-bearing capabilities are required. Moreover, advanced nano-fillers like carbon nanotubes and graphene are emerging as cutting-edge solutions, offering exceptional improvements in flexural properties while maintaining lightness.

3. Tuning Flexural Properties Through Resin Selection

In composites, the resin matrix plays a crucial role in determining flexural performance. By selecting different resin types, such as epoxypolyester, or vinyl ester, engineers can modify the overall flexural properties of the composite. Epoxy resins are known for providing high flexural strength and stiffness, making them ideal for high-performance applications like aerospace and automotive components, whereas polyester resins offer more flexibility at the cost of reduced flexural modulus. Adjusting the resin properties allows for fine-tuning the flexural characteristics of the composite to suit specific performance requirements.


As we wrap up this deep dive into flexural properties, it’s clear that flexural strength and modulus are more than just technical specs—they’re the foundation of how materials perform in real-world conditions. But we’re not finished yet! In our next post, we’ll explore two more critical properties: abrasion resistance for plastics and tear strength for rubbers. These are key for materials that need to withstand tough, wear-and-tear environments. So stick around, because we’ll dive into why your plastics need to resist scratches and your rubbers can’t afford to tear. See you next time!


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