From Data Sheets to Real World: A Practical Guide to Material Properties

Series Post #5: Understanding Impact Strength & Tear Resistance

Welcome back to the latest installment of “From Data Sheets to Real World: A Practical Guide to Material Properties.” This post marks the final chapter in our discussion on mechanical properties, but don’t worry—there’s more to come! Future posts will dive into other essential topics like temperature resistance, but for now, we’re wrapping up mechanical properties with a look at impact strength for plastics and tear resistance for rubber.

These two properties are crucial when it comes to understanding how materials handle real-world stresses. Whether it’s plastics absorbing the shock of an impact or rubber resisting tears under constant use, both play a vital role in ensuring durability and performance.

Let’s explore how engineers test and optimize these properties to ensure materials are ready to withstand the challenges of everyday applications.

Materials Commonly Tested for Impact Strength and Tear Resistance

Impact strength is a critical property for materials that are likely to experience sudden forces or shocks. Plastics, in particular, are frequently tested for impact strength, as they are used in applications where they must withstand abrupt forces without fracturing. Industries like automotive, construction, and electronics rely on plastics that can absorb energy from impacts, such as polycarbonate or ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), which are specifically formulated to handle these stresses.

On the other hand, tear resistance is a key property for flexible materials like rubber. It measures a material’s ability to resist further tearing once a defect has formed. Rubber used in seals, gaskets, and tires is frequently tested for tear resistance to ensure durability under repeated motion, pressure, and exposure to harsh conditions. Since rubber is designed to stretch and flex, tear resistance is often more relevant than tensile or flexural strength in these applications.

Why tensile strength doesn’t determine tear resistance

Tensile strength and tear resistance are often confused, but relying solely on tensile strength to predict a material’s tear resistance can lead to serious misjudgments in performance. Tensile strength measures how much force a material can withstand when stretched or pulled, but it doesn’t account for how the material behaves once a defect, such as a small cut or crack, is introduced. A material with high tensile strength may resist breaking when pulled, but it might still tear easily if that force is concentrated on a weak point. Tear resistance, on the other hand, specifically measures the material’s ability to prevent further tearing or propagation of damage once an initial defect is present. For example, in applications like rubber seals or gaskets that undergo repeated flexing and potential cuts, tear resistance is critical to ensure durability. Without high tear resistance, even a material with superior tensile strength may fail prematurely when subjected to real-world conditions where minor defects can grow into significant failures. Thus, relying on tensile strength alone ignores the vulnerability of a material to damage propagation, which is why tear resistance must also be considered for applications where durability under dynamic conditions is vital.

When it comes to plastics, understanding how they handle sudden shocks or loads is key to making sure they perform well in real-world applications. This is where impact strength testing comes into play. It helps manufacturers and engineers figure out how tough a plastic material is by subjecting it to forces that mimic everyday wear and tear. But what does this process look like, and how is it actually tested?

The Basics of Impact Strength Testing

There are a few different methods for testing the impact strength of plastics, but two of the most widely used are the Izod and Charpy tests. Both rely on a pendulum-like apparatus to measure how much energy a sample absorbs when it fractures under force. However, each test has its own approach and is used in different parts of the world.

The Izod Test: North America’s Go-To Method

If you’re dealing with plastics in North America, you’re likely to encounter the Izod impact test. In this method, a vertically positioned plastic specimen with a V-shaped notch is struck by a pendulum. The pendulum hits the notched side, and the energy absorbed as the material breaks is recorded. This test is especially handy for thermoplastics and follows standards such as ASTM D256 and ISO 180.

The Charpy Test: Europe’s Favorite

On the other side of the Atlantic, the Charpy impact test is more common, particularly in Europe. Unlike the Izod test, the Charpy test uses a horizontally mounted specimen with either a V-notch or U-notch. The pendulum strikes on the opposite side of the notch, and this method is popular for testing both metals and plastics. Standards like ISO 179-2 and ASTM E23 guide this test.

Izod vs. Charpy: What’s the Difference?

While both tests serve the same purpose, they do so in slightly different ways. The main difference lies in how the specimen is mounted and where the pendulum strikes. In the Izod test, the specimen stands upright, while in the Charpy test, it’s laid flat. Additionally, each test uses standardized specimens for consistency. For example, the Izod test typically uses samples that are 63.5 mm x 12.7 mm with thicknesses ranging from 3 mm to 13 mm. The Charpy test tends to use specimens measuring 55 mm x 10 mm x 10 mm for plastics.

A diagram of a scale Description automatically generated

Other Impact Tests: The Drop Weight Method

Another noteworthy method for testing impact strength is the drop weight test. Instead of using a pendulum, this test involves dropping a weight from a specific height onto a specimen to simulate real-world impacts. This method is especially useful when testing larger or more complex parts. There are standards for this too, like ISO 6603-2 for rigid plastics or ISO 7765-2 for plastic films.

Drop-weight impact tester. Drop-weight impact tester. | Download Scientific Diagram

When it comes to rubber and elastomeric materials, tear resistance testing is a crucial step in making sure they can handle the demands of real-world use. From car tires to medical devices, rubber products are used in countless applications, and understanding how well they resist tearing can make all the difference in their performance and longevity.

What is Tear Resistance Testing?

At its core, tear resistance testing measures how much force is needed to tear a material once a crack has started. This is especially important for products that are likely to experience stretching, bending, or other forces during use. The most common method for testing tear resistance is based on the ASTM D624 standard, which is similar to the ISO 34-1 standard. Both standards provide a framework for assessing how well vulcanized rubbers and thermoplastic elastomers can withstand tearing forces.

Why you should tear up the Die C tear test

How Does Tear Resistance Testing Work?

Tear resistance testing typically uses a Universal Testing Machine (UTM). This machine applies a controlled force to a sample of the material until it tears, allowing engineers to measure how much force is required to make the tear worse. The test can use various specimen shapes, each designed to mimic different stress conditions:

  • Trouser tear
  • Angle tear (Graves)
  • Crescent tear (Winkelmann)
  • Trapezoidal tear
  • Baumann tear
  • Delft tear

Each shape simulates how a material might tear under different conditions, whether it’s stretched in one direction or pulled from different angles. Once the material is prepared and clamped in the machine, the test begins by applying force. The UTM measures the force needed to initiate and then propagate the tear, providing valuable data on the material’s tear strength.

What Data is Collected?

During the test, several key metrics are recorded, including:

  • Tear force: The amount of force needed to tear the material.
  • Tear energy: How much energy the material absorbs before tearing.
  • Tear resistance: Usually expressed as force per unit of thickness, giving a standardized measurement of the material’s durability.
  • Tear elongation: How much the material stretches before it tears.

These numbers are crucial in quality control, material selection, and product development. Factors such as the material’s fiber structure, stress distribution, and even the speed at which the test is conducted (strain rate) can all impact tear resistance. That’s why selecting the right test method to match real-world conditions is so important.

Key Failure Considerations of Impact Strength in Engineering Applications

How Can I Be Hurt In a Car Crash Where My Bumper Looks Fine?

Localized Stress Concentration

One of the key considerations when evaluating impact strength is how a material handles localized stress concentration. When a sudden impact occurs, the force is often applied to a specific area of the material, creating a stress concentration. If the material has low impact strength, it can fracture or fail at these concentrated points. For example, in the design of plastic housings or casings for electronics, engineers must account for localized impacts, ensuring the material can absorb energy without cracking or shattering at stress points like corners or attachment holes. Proper material selection and design can mitigate this risk, ensuring the product’s durability under impact.

Brittleness vs. Toughness

Engineers also need to balance the brittleness and toughness of materials when considering impact strength. Brittle materials may exhibit high strength in normal conditions but can fail catastrophically when subjected to impact because they lack the ability to absorb energy and deform plastically. Tougher materials, even if they have lower tensile strength, are often preferred in applications where impacts are common because they can absorb and dissipate the energy without breaking. This distinction is especially important in selecting materials for protective gear, automotive parts, or structural components where toughness is needed to prevent brittle failure under sudden forces.

Energy Absorption Capacity

Impact strength directly relates to a material’s ability to absorb and dissipate energy during an impact event. Engineers must consider how well a material can deform or absorb energy without failing. For instance, in automotive crash safety systems, plastics that can absorb a significant amount of energy through deformation (such as polyurethane in bumpers) are preferred because they can reduce the force transmitted to occupants or other critical components. Materials with low energy absorption tend to crack or shatter, leading to failures in safety-critical applications.

Top Impact-Resistant Plastics

When it comes to plastics that can withstand a beating, Polycarbonate (PC)Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), and High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) stand out as some of the best options in terms of impact strength. These materials are frequently used in applications where durability and toughness are paramount. But what makes them so reliable, and how do they stack up in terms of impact strength?

Polycarbonate (PC)

Polycarbonate is widely regarded as one of the most impact-resistant plastics on the market. It has an impressive Notched Izod impact strength ranging from 90 to 200 J/m², meaning it can absorb a significant amount of energy before fracturing. This toughness is why PC is often used in products like bulletproof glass, protective gear, and high-stress environments like automotive headlight lenses​.

In addition to its impact resistance, polycarbonate offers other valuable qualities: it’s lightweight, highly transparent (which makes it a great glass alternative), and has excellent heat resistance, maintaining its structural integrity even in high-temperature environments​. Its combination of durability and transparency makes it a popular choice in industries like construction, automotive, and electronics.

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)

ABS is another robust plastic known for its toughness. With an Izod impact strength typically between 200 and 215 J/m², it provides excellent resistance to impacts, even at low temperatures​. ABS is commonly used in automotive parts, consumer electronics, and even toys (like LEGO bricks). Its versatility lies not only in its impact resistance but also in its ease of machining, bonding, and molding. Although it’s a cost-effective material, ABS doesn’t compromise on performance, making it a popular choice across various industries​.

High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

HDPE is renowned for its toughness and flexibility, with a Notched Izod impact strength ranging from 20 to 220 J/m², depending on its specific formulation​. What makes HDPE special is its unique molecular structure, which allows it to withstand significant impacts without breaking or cracking. This property makes it a common choice for products that need to endure rough handling, such as outdoor furniture, playground equipment, and construction materials. HDPE also boasts excellent chemical and moisture resistance, making it ideal for containers, pipes, and other industrial uses where exposure to harsh environments is likely​.

Key Failure Considerations of Tear Resistance in Engineering Applications

Resistance to Propagation of Existing Defects

One of the primary considerations for tear resistance is a material’s ability to prevent the propagation of existing defects, such as cuts or punctures. In many applications, materials may sustain minor damage due to wear, sharp objects, or environmental conditions, but the real challenge lies in preventing those small defects from spreading under stress. For example, in seals and gaskets, any tear could compromise the entire system, so engineers must choose materials that can resist further tearing once a defect has started. This is especially critical in dynamic applications where the material is repeatedly flexed or compressed.

A group of men in safety vests and helmets working on a tarp Description automatically generated

Durability in High-Flex Environments

Tear resistance is also crucial in applications where materials undergo constant flexing or stretching. In industries like automotive or aerospace, rubber components such as seals, tires, and suspension bushings are subjected to ongoing motion, making them vulnerable to tears. A material with low tear resistance can fail quickly in these environments, even if it has strong tensile properties. Engineers must therefore select materials that maintain structural integrity under repeated movement to prevent tearing, ensuring long-term durability and reliable performance.

Ability to Handle High Loads Under Stress

Materials with high tear resistance are essential in applications where they are subjected to high mechanical loads. When a material is under significant stress, such as in industrial machinery, conveyor belts, or construction materials, even small imperfections can grow into larger tears if the material isn’t resistant. Engineers need to account for both the maximum stress the material can handle before tearing, and how well it can resist tear propagation once a load is applied. This ensures that the material can withstand heavy usage without failing prematurely.

Thickness and Design Features

Material thickness and design features also play a critical role in tear resistance. Thicker materials generally offer better tear resistance since they can absorb and dissipate stresses over a larger area. Additionally, design features such as rounded edges or reinforced areas can minimize the likelihood of tears starting or propagating in high-stress zones. Engineers need to consider these factors during the design process to optimize a material’s tear resistance, ensuring that the part performs reliably in real-world applications.

Rubber Materials with Superior Tear Resistance

When it comes to rubber materials, tear resistance is a crucial factor in many applications, from automotive parts to outdoor gear. Understanding the tear resistance of different rubbers helps engineers choose the right material for products that need to withstand intense mechanical forces and environmental wear. Three of the most highly regarded rubbers in terms of tear resistance are Natural RubberNeoprene, and EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer). Each of these materials offers a unique combination of properties that make them ideal for different types of projects.

Natural Rubber

Natural rubber stands out for its excellent tear resistance, making it a go-to material for high-stress applications. With a tear resistance rated as “very good,” natural rubber can handle significant mechanical stress before breaking down​. This inherent toughness, combined with its impressive tensile strength and elasticity, makes it ideal for products like hoses, seals, and gaskets—components that need to endure continuous flexing and pulling without tearing. However, while natural rubber excels in its mechanical properties, it does have some drawbacks. It is more vulnerable to environmental factors like UV radiation, ozone, and temperature extremes, which can cause it to degrade faster than synthetic rubbers​.


Neoprene is another rubber known for its durability, particularly when it comes to tear resistance. Offering a good balance between flexibility and toughness, neoprene has tear resistance superior to that of EPDM, which makes it a popular choice for applications that need resilience under stress, such as industrial gaskets, automotive parts, and wetsuits​. One of Neoprene’s key advantages is its resistance to oil, chemicals, and solvents, which allows it to be used in environments where exposure to these substances is common. In addition to tear resistance, neoprene performs well under a range of temperatures, maintaining its properties in conditions from -50°C to 120°C. However, its UV and ozone resistance, while decent, is not as strong as that of EPDM​.

EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer)

While EPDM may not lead the pack in terms of tear resistance, where it shines is in its resistance to environmental conditions. With a fair to good tear resistance, EPDM is often chosen for outdoor applications because of its excellent resistance to ozone, UV light, and weathering​. Its ability to withstand temperatures from -60°C to 150°C and its resistance to water and steam make it highly versatile for products like roofing membranes, seals, and automotive parts exposed to the elements. However, EPDM falls short when exposed to oils and solvents, making it unsuitable for certain industrial uses​.

In summary, each of these rubbers offers a unique set of properties that make them suitable for different types of projects. Natural rubber excels in tear resistance and mechanical strength, neoprene balances tear resistance with excellent chemical resistance, and EPDM offers superior weathering properties, making it perfect for outdoor and high-temperature applications.

Unique Insights into Impact Strength of Plastics and Tear Resistance of Rubber

When it comes to optimizing impact strength in plastics and tear resistance in rubbers, engineers can utilize various strategies and material modifications to enhance performance. Both properties are critical in ensuring the durability and reliability of materials in demanding applications. Here are some unique insights into how impact strength and tear resistance can be fine-tuned:

  1. Tailoring Impact Strength with Polymer Blending: In plastics, the impact strength can be significantly improved by blending polymers with different characteristics. For example, combining a rigid polymer like polystyrene with a more ductile polymer such as polybutadiene creates high-impact polystyrene (HIPS), which exhibits superior resistance to fracture under sudden impact. Engineers can optimize the blend ratios to achieve the desired balance between toughness and rigidity, making such materials ideal for applications like automotive interiors or electronic housings that require high impact resistance without compromising structural integrity.
  2. Enhancing Tear Resistance with Reinforcements: Tear resistance in rubber materials can be enhanced by incorporating reinforcing agents like carbon black or silica. These fillers increase the overall toughness and resistance of rubber to tearing by reinforcing the rubber matrix at a molecular level, preventing cracks from propagating under stress. This makes rubber materials more durable for applications such as tires, seals, and industrial belts, where high tear resistance is essential for longevity under extreme conditions.
  3. Improving Impact Strength Through Additives: Plastic impact strength can also be enhanced with the use of impact modifiers, such as rubber-like elastomers. These additives improve the material’s ability to absorb energy from sudden impacts by increasing its toughness and flexibility. For example, adding an elastomer to a brittle plastic like polyvinyl chloride (PVC) can transform it into a high-impact material suitable for applications such as pipe fittings or protective casings.
  4. Boosting Tear Resistance by Optimizing Crosslinking: In rubber materials, tear resistance can be finely tuned by optimizing the crosslinking process during vulcanization. Crosslinking creates a more durable network structure within the rubber, which enhances its ability to resist tear propagation. By adjusting factors such as temperature, curing time, and crosslink density, engineers can create rubber compounds with optimal tear resistance, suitable for high-stress applications like gaskets, hoses, and conveyor belts.


As we wrap up this post on impact strength for plastics and tear resistance for rubber, it’s clear that both properties play a critical role in ensuring the performance and durability of materials under real-world conditions. Whether it’s absorbing sudden shocks or resisting the propagation of small defects, these mechanical properties are vital across industries from automotive to construction and beyond.

But this is just the beginning! While we’ve finished our exploration of mechanical properties, next week we’ll be diving into another key area: thermal properties. Understanding how materials behave under extreme temperatures is just as important, so stay tuned as we shift gears and explore how heat resistance, thermal expansion, and other factors impact material performance in various applications. See you next time!


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