From Data Sheets to Real World: A Practical Guide to Material Properties

Series Post #1: Understanding Stress and Strain

Selecting the optimal material for sealing applications is critical for engineers to ensure the longevity, reliability, and effectiveness of seals. While material data sheets provide essential information, translating these properties from theoretical data to practical applications can be challenging. This blog series, “From Data Sheets to Real World: A Practical Guide to Material Properties for Sealing Products,” aims to bridge that gap by offering an in-depth exploration of key material properties and their specific relevance to sealing products.

In this series, each post will focus on a specific set of properties, detailing their measurement, significance, and influence on the selection and performance of seals.

Understanding Stress and Strain

Stress and strain are fundamental concepts in mechanics that describe how materials respond to external forces. These principles are often illustrated using a solid metal bar under uniaxial loading, where equal and opposite forces are applied along the same axis, causing the bar to stretch. This stretching induces internal forces that counteract the applied forces, maintaining equilibrium.

To better understand these internal forces, one can imagine making an imaginary cut through the bar. Whether the right or left side is removed, the remaining section will adjust its internal forces to balance the external forces, ensuring equilibrium is maintained. While these internal forces can be depicted in various ways, it’s more practical to discuss stress, which describes how these forces are distributed within the material. Stress is quantified as the internal force per unit area, expressed in Pascals (Newtons per square meter) in SI units or pounds per square inch in US units.

The mathematical formula for stress is:

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In the case of the axially loaded bar, the internal forces act perpendicular to the cut, resulting in what is known as normal stress. This stress can be calculated by dividing the applied force by the bar’s cross-sectional area, and it is denoted by the Greek letter sigma (σ). Understanding stress is crucial as it helps predict when a material might fail. For instance, a bar made of mild steel, which has a strength of 250 MPa, will fail if the stress exceeds this threshold. For a bar with a 20 mm diameter, failure occurs if the applied force surpasses 79 kN. Normal stress can be tensile, when the forces stretch the bar, or compressive, when the forces compress it. Tensile stresses are typically considered positive, while compressive stresses are negative.

Strain, on the other hand, measures the deformation that occurs within a material. If one end of the bar is fixed and a force is applied to the other end, the bar will deform, and the normal strain can be calculated as the change in length divided by the original length. Strain is a dimensionless quantity often expressed as a percentage and can be tensile or compressive.

  • Tensile Strain (εₜ): Change in length divided by the original length.
  • Compressive Strain (εc): Reduction in length divided by the original length.

The formula for strain is:

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In addition to normal stress, there is also shear stress, which occurs when forces are applied parallel to a surface. This is common in scenarios like bolts under shear loading. Shear stress is denoted by the Greek letter tau (τ) and can be calculated similarly to normal stress, as the applied force divided by the cross-sectional area. However, shear stress is typically unevenly distributed across the cross-section. Shear strain, associated with shear stress, is defined as the change in angle and is denoted by the Greek letter gamma (γ). Hooke’s Law also applies to shear stress and strain, with the shear modulus G replacing Young’s modulus. In practice, the stress state at a point within a material will have both normal and shear components, depending on the orientation of the plane being observed.

Stress-Strain Curve

The stress-strain curve represents the relationship between stress and strain, derived by subjecting a material specimen to an incrementally increasing load and measuring the corresponding deformation. This curve provides vital insights into the material’s mechanical properties, including its elasticity, yield point, tensile strength, and fracture point, which are essential for assessing how materials will behave under various loading conditions.

stress strain curve

The stress-strain curve is divided into two primary regions: the elastic and plastic regions.

The Elastic Region

The elastic region is characterized by a linear relationship between stress and strain, as described by Hooke’s Law. In the elastic region, the material deforms proportionally to the applied stress and returns to its original shape upon the removal of the load.

Key Features of the Elastic Region

  • Hooke’s Law: is a fundamental principle in physics and materials science that describes the behavior of materials in the elastic region. It states that the strain in a material is directly proportional to the applied stress, as long as the stress does not exceed the material’s elastic limit. Mathematically, this relationship is expressed as:

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  • Young’s Modulus: denoted as E, is a measure of the stiffness of a material. It quantifies the relationship between tensile or compressive stress and the resulting strain in the linear elastic region of the material. Young’s modulus is defined as

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  • Reversible Deformation: Deformations in the elastic region are fully reversible. When the applied load is removed, the material returns to its original dimensions without any permanent deformation. This property is crucial for applications where materials must endure cyclic loading without undergoing permanent changes.
  • Elastic Limit: The end of the elastic region is marked by the elastic limit, beyond which the material begins to deform plastically. At this point, the material will not return to its original shape if the load is removed. The elastic limit is also often close to or the same as the proportional limit, the maximum stress at which the stress-strain relationship remains linear.

Importance of the Elastic Region

Understanding the elastic region is crucial for engineers when selecting materials for various applications. Here are some key reasons why the elastic region is important:

  1. Predictable Behavior: The linear relationship between stress and strain in the elastic region allows for predictable material behavior under load. This predictability is essential for designing components that must maintain their shape and functionality under operational stresses.
  2. Material Selection: The modulus of elasticity is a critical factor in material selection. Materials with a high modulus of elasticity are stiffer and less prone to deformation, making them suitable for applications requiring rigidity. Conversely, materials with a lower modulus are more flexible and can absorb more energy, which is beneficial in applications requiring impact resistance.
  3. Safety and Reliability: Knowing the elastic limit helps engineers ensure that materials will not undergo permanent deformation under expected load conditions. This is vital for maintaining the safety and reliability of structures and components.
  4. Energy Efficiency: In applications involving cyclic loading, materials that can return to their original shape without permanent deformation are more energy-efficient. This reduces the need for frequent replacements and maintenance.
  5. Cost-Effectiveness: Materials that perform well within their elastic region can be more cost-effective in the long run. They are less likely to fail or require replacement, reducing overall maintenance and operational costs.

The Plastic Region

The plastic region of the stress-strain curve is critical for understanding how materials behave under permanent deformation. When a material is loaded beyond its elastic limit, it enters the plastic region, where deformation is irreversible, and the material does not return to its original shape once the load is removed.

Key Characteristics of the Plastic Region

  • Yield Point: The transition from elastic to plastic behavior starts at the yield point. At this stage, the material begins to deform plastically. There are usually two yield points—upper and lower. The upper yield point marks the onset of plastic deformation, while the lower yield point indicates the formation and spread of localized bands of deformation known as Lüders bands.
  • Strain Hardening: Beyond the yield point, the material experiences strain hardening. As the material is deformed, dislocations within its structure move and multiply, which makes further deformation more difficult. This increases the material’s strength up to its ultimate tensile strength (UTS), the maximum stress the material can withstand before necking begins.
  • Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS): This is the peak stress on the stress-strain curve. It represents the maximum load the material can bear. After reaching UTS, the material starts to neck, meaning the cross-sectional area decreases significantly in a localized region.
  • Necking and Fracture: Following UTS, necking leads to a decrease in the material’s load-bearing capacity. Although the true stress (accounting for the actual cross-sectional area) continues to increase, the engineering stress (based on the original cross-sectional area) decreases. Eventually, the material fractures at the breaking point.

Importance of the Plastic Region

  1. Permanent Deformation: Understanding the plastic region is crucial for applications where permanent deformation is acceptable or unavoidable. This includes processes like metal forming, where the material is intentionally deformed into a new shape.
  2. Material Toughness: The area under the stress-strain curve in the plastic region represents the material’s toughness—its ability to absorb energy before fracturing. Materials with a larger plastic region can absorb more energy, making them suitable for applications requiring high impact resistance.
  3. Strain Hardening Benefits: Strain hardening increases the strength and hardness of a material through plastic deformation. This can be beneficial in enhancing the durability of components that undergo cyclic loading or wear.
  4. Failure Prediction: By analyzing the plastic region, engineers can predict the failure modes of materials under high loads, ensuring safety and reliability in structural applications.

Key Points on the Stress-Strain Curve in relation to rubber and plastic materials

There are seven pivotal points that are indispensable for engineers in material selection. Indeed, each point provides profound insights into the material’s response to applied forces, ranging from initial deformation to ultimate failure. The following section will elucidate each key point on the stress-strain curve and discuss their significance in informing engineering decisions.

Proportional Limit

Description: The proportional limit for rubber and plastic materials is the point on the stress-strain curve where the initial linear relationship between stress and strain ceases. Up to this point, the material exhibits elastic behavior, meaning it will return to its original shape when the load is removed. For rubber, this limit is generally much lower than for metals due to its highly elastic nature, while for plastics, it can vary significantly depending on the type (e.g., thermoplastics versus thermosets).

Significance: In rubber and plastic materials, understanding the proportional limit is essential for applications such as seals, gaskets, and flexible components, where the material must revert to its original shape after deformation. For instance, in dynamic seals that experience repeated cycles of deformation, staying within the proportional limit ensures longevity and functionality. This helps in designing components that avoid permanent deformation under operational loads, thus maintaining sealing performance and reliability.

Elastic Limit

Description: The elastic limit is the maximum stress that rubber and plastic materials can withstand without experiencing permanent deformation. Beyond this point, the material begins to deform plastically and will not return to its original shape once the load is removed. For rubber, this limit is associated with the maximum extent of its elastic deformation, while for plastics, it marks the onset of yielding and the transition to plastic behavior.

Significance: The elastic limit is crucial for ensuring that rubber seals and plastic components do not undergo permanent deformation under expected load conditions. For example, in applications like automotive seals or pressure-sensitive gaskets, exceeding the elastic limit could result in leaks or failure of the seal. Engineers must design components that operate within the elastic limit to ensure reliability and maintain performance over the product’s life.

Yield Point

Description: The yield point in rubber and plastic materials marks the transition from elastic to plastic deformation. In rubber, yielding is less distinct and more gradual, while in plastics, especially semi-crystalline types, it can be more pronounced with a clear yield point. This is the point where the material starts to flow and deform permanently under constant stress.

Significance: The yield strength is critical in the design of rubber and plastic components that must not undergo permanent deformation under normal operating conditions. For example, in high-stress applications such as industrial seals or structural plastic components, knowing the yield point helps engineers ensure that the material can withstand operational stresses without permanent deformation, which could compromise the component’s integrity and function.

Strain Hardening Region

Description: In rubber, strain hardening occurs as the polymer chains become aligned and entangled, leading to an increase in stress with continued deformation. In plastics, strain hardening is characterized by an increase in strength and hardness as the material is deformed, due to the reorientation and densification of polymer chains.

Significance: Strain hardening is important for applications where the material needs to become stronger under load, such as in reinforced rubber products or high-performance plastic components. Understanding this behavior allows for the design of materials that can endure higher stresses after initial yielding, improving durability and performance. For instance, strain-hardened rubber may be used in high-stress dynamic sealing applications, while strain-hardened plastics could be used in load-bearing structural parts.

Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS)

Description: The ultimate tensile strength (UTS) represents the maximum stress that rubber or plastic materials can withstand while being stretched before necking occurs. For rubber, the UTS is achieved when the material undergoes significant strain and molecular alignment, ultimately leading to failure. In plastics, the UTS marks the highest stress point before substantial plastic deformation and eventual fracture. This peak stress value, known as tensile strength, is commonly listed on material data sheets, providing a key indicator of the material’s performance under tensile loads.

Significance: UTS is a measure of the maximum load a material can bear, which is crucial for applications subjected to high tensile forces. In rubber products, such as tensile seals or belts, and in plastic components used in high-stress environments, understanding UTS ensures that the material can handle the maximum expected load without failing. This is vital for ensuring safety and performance in applications ranging from industrial machinery to consumer products.

Necking Region

Description: The necking region is where the cross-sectional area of the rubber or plastic material begins to decrease significantly under tensile stress. This leads to localized stress concentration and further deformation, ultimately resulting in fracture. In rubber, necking is less pronounced due to its high elongation properties, while in plastics, especially brittle types, necking can be more evident and lead quickly to failure.

Significance: Understanding the necking behavior in rubber and plastic materials helps engineers predict the point at which a material will start to fail under tensile stress. This knowledge is crucial for designing components that can withstand high-stress conditions without catastrophic failure. For example, in safety-critical applications like pressure vessels or structural components, accounting for necking behavior ensures that materials are used within their safe limits.

Stress-Strain curves and Necking phenomena in dog-bone shaped specimen (Reprinted from: ADMET, 2019)

Fracture Point

Description: The fracture point is where rubber or plastic materials ultimately fail and break apart. This point signifies the end of the stress-strain curve and is characterized by the material’s inability to withstand any additional stress. Known as ultimate elongation, this point is commonly listed on material data sheets, providing a critical indicator of a material’s breaking threshold.

Significance: The strain at the fracture point is used to determine the material’s ductility and ultimate elongation. This information is essential for applications requiring materials to absorb significant energy before breaking, such as in impact-resistant components and safety devices. For instance, in automotive bumpers or protective gear, materials with high ductility and energy absorption can prevent catastrophic failure and protect the underlying structure or user.


In this post, we have examined the critical relationship between stress and strain, laying the groundwork for understanding key tensile properties such as tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and elongation. In the next installment of this series, we will delve further into tensile properties and how engineers can interpret this data to make more informed material selection decisions.

If you’re looking to deepen your understanding of stress and strain, this YouTube video is an excellent resource. It provides a clear and engaging visual representation of these fundamental concepts, using the example of a metal bar under uniaxial loading.



Engineering LibreTexts, 2023. Stress-Strain Curves. Available at: [Accessed 7 August 2024].

Materials Science & Engineering Student, 2023. Stress, Strain, and the Stress-Strain Curve. Available at: [Accessed 7 August 2024].

Wikipedia, 2024. Stress–strain curve. Available at: [Accessed 7 August 2024].

Mechtics, 2023. Stress strain curve for mild steel. Available at: [Accessed 7 August 2024].

Nuclear Power, 2024. Ultimate Tensile Strength – UTS. Available at: [Accessed 7 August 2024].

Physics LibreTexts, 2023. 12.4: Stress, Strain, and Elastic Modulus (Part 1). Available at: [Accessed 7 August 2024].

Engineering ToolBox, 2024. Stress, Strain and Young’s Modulus. Available at: [Accessed 7 August 2024].

Embibe, 2024. Stress-Strain Curve: Definition, Formula, Examples. Available at: [Accessed 7 August 2024].

Pressbooks Online, 2024. 12.3 Stress, Strain, and Elastic Modulus – General Physics Using Calculus I. Available at: [Accessed 7 August 2024].

Cumberland Rubber Supply, 2024. The Relationship Between Tensile Strength, Elongation, & Modulus. Available at: [Accessed 7 August 2024].

Techno Ad, 2024. Tensile Strength, Elongation, and Modulus in Rubber Materials. Available at: [Accessed 7 August 2024].

MechaniCalc, 2024. Mechanical Properties of Materials. Available at: [Accessed 7 August 2024].

MatWeb, 2024. Tensile Property Testing of Plastics. Available at: [Accessed 7 August 2024].

Relationship Between, 2024. Relationship Between Tensile Strength And Elongation. Available at: [Accessed 7 August 2024].

This vs. That, 2024. Tensile Strength vs. Young’s Modulus – What’s the Difference? Available at: [Accessed 7 August 2024].


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