From Data Sheets to Real World: A Practical Guide to Material Properties

Series Post #2: Understanding Tensile Properties

Understanding the tensile properties of materials like rubbers and plastics is crucial for ensuring the reliability and performance of engineering applications. However, to fully grasp how these properties are measured and what they imply, it’s essential to first have a solid foundation in the concepts of stress and strain. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend reading my earlier post on stress and strain- In that post, I cover the fundamentals of how mechanical properties such as tensile, compressive, and flexural strengths are derived, providing the necessary background to appreciate the detailed discussions in this article.

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In this post, we’ll dive deep into the tensile properties of materials, focusing on how they are tested, what equipment is used, and how to interpret the results. We’ll explore the various stages of a tensile test, from the initial setup to the point of fracture, and break down key terms like tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and elongation at break. Additionally, we will examine how external factors such as compressive forces, temperature, chemical exposure, electrical properties, and friction can influence tensile properties. By the end of this discussion, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of the tensile characteristics of materials and how to account for these factors in your engineering designs.

Key Standards for Evaluating Tensile Properties

When assessing the tensile properties of rubbers and plastics, material data sheets often reference two key standards. The most commonly cited standard for rubber is ASTM D412, the primary test for evaluating the tensile properties of vulcanized thermoset rubber and thermoplastic elastomers. For plastics, ASTM D638 is the standard typically used to determine tensile properties in both reinforced and unreinforced forms. Additionally, you may encounter ISO standards, such as ISO 37 for rubbers and ISO 527 for plastics. While these ISO standards are comparable to ASTM guidelines, they differ in sample size requirements and procedural specifics.

Tensile Testing


The primary equipment used in tensile testing is the universal testing machine. This machine is designed to apply a controlled tensile force to a sample and measure its response. Key components of the universal testing machine include:

  • Grips: These fixtures hold the sample securely in place to ensure even distribution of force during the test. Different types of grips may be used depending on the material and shape of the sample.
  • Crosshead: This is the movable part of the machine that applies the tensile force by moving away from the fixed base, effectively stretching the sample.
  • Load Cell: A sensor that measures the force applied to the sample with high precision, providing essential data for calculating tensile properties.
  • Extensometer: An optional device that measures the change in length of the sample as it is stretched, allowing for accurate determination of elongation and strain

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Sample Preparation

Proper sample preparation is crucial for obtaining accurate and reliable tensile test results. Samples, often referred to as test specimens, are typically prepared in standardized shapes and sizes to ensure consistency. Common shapes include:

  • Dumbbell or Dog-bone Shape: These shapes are designed to ensure that the sample breaks in the middle section, away from the grips, providing a true measure of the material’s tensile properties.

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Key considerations in sample preparation include:

  • Dimensions: Samples must adhere to specific dimensions as outlined in relevant testing standards (e.g., ASTM or ISO) to ensure comparability of results.
  • Surface Finish: The surface of the samples should be smooth and free of defects that could affect the test outcome.

Stages of the Tensile Test

  1. Initial Setup:
    • Mounting the Sample: The prepared sample, typically in a dumbbell or dog-bone shape, is securely mounted in the grips of the universal testing machine. Proper alignment is crucial to ensure that the force is applied uniformly along the sample’s length.
  2. Application of Tensile Force:
    • Crosshead Movement: The crosshead of the testing machine begins to move at a constant rate, applying a tensile force to the sample. The rate of movement is usually specified by the relevant testing standard.
    • Data Collection: As the sample is stretched, sensors within the machine record the force applied and the corresponding elongation of the sample. This data is continuously collected throughout the test.
  3. Elastic Deformation:
    • Initial Response: In the initial phase, the material deforms elastically, meaning it will return to its original shape if the load is removed. This phase is characterized by a linear relationship between stress and strain, represented by the initial slope of the stress-strain curve.
  4. Yield Point and Plastic Deformation:
    • Yielding: As the force increases, the material reaches its yield point, where it begins to deform plastically. Beyond this point, the material will not return to its original shape when the load is removed.
    • Plastic Deformation: The material continues to deform under increasing stress, and the stress-strain curve deviates from linearity.
  5. Ultimate Tensile Strength and Fracture:
    • Maximum Stress: The ultimate tensile strength (UTS) is reached when the material withstands the maximum stress before necking occurs. Necking is a localized reduction in cross-sectional area.
    • Fracture: Eventually, the material breaks, and the test concludes. The point of fracture is recorded, marking the end of the stress-strain curve.

Much of the detailed understanding of these properties comes from analyzing the stress-strain curve, a key concept discussed in a previous post.

Diagram of a stress-strain curve Description automatically generated

To enhance your understanding of tensile testing procedures and standards, I recommend watching the video below. It offers a clear, step-by-step demonstration of how tensile tests are performed.

Understanding Tensile Data: A Breakdown of Key Results on Material Data Sheets

Tensile Strength

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Definition: Tensile strength is the maximum amount of tensile (pulling or stretching) stress that a material can withstand before failing or breaking. Tensile strength is usually measured in megapascals (MPa) or pounds per square inch (psi). It is shown on the stress strain curve as ultimate tensile strength (UTS) which occurs just before necking. Necking is a localized reduction in cross-sectional area; this stage is significant because it marks the transition from uniform plastic deformation to localized deformation, which eventually leads to fracture.

Detailed Real-World Example: In automotive applications, rubber components such as drive belts and engine hoses must have high tensile strength to resist the constant forces exerted by the engine. For instance, a serpentine belt made from synthetic rubber, like EPDM, is subjected to continuous tension as it drives multiple engine accessories. If the tensile strength is insufficient, the belt could stretch or snap, leading to engine failure. Similarly, in high-performance vehicles, the tensile strength of rubber tires is critical. Tires must endure substantial tensile forces, particularly at high speeds or during hard braking. Materials like synthetic rubber composites are chosen because they offer the necessary tensile strength to prevent tire failure, ensuring driver safety.

In the construction industry, tensile strength is equally important for plastic pipes used in plumbing and gas distribution. HDPE pipes, for example, need to have sufficient tensile strength to withstand internal pressures and external loads without rupturing. These pipes are often buried underground, where they must endure not only the pressure of the fluids they carry but also the weight of the earth above them. High tensile strength ensures that the pipes remain intact and functional over long periods, reducing the risk of leaks and environmental contamination.

Modulus of Elasticity (Young’s Modulus)

Important note: refer to our stress-strain post for how to calculate Young’s Modulus

Definition: The modulus of elasticity, commonly known as Young’s modulus, is a measure of a material’s stiffness or rigidity. It is defined as the ratio of tensile stress (force per unit area) to tensile strain (proportional deformation) within the elastic (non-permanent) deformation range. Essentially, it indicates how much a material will stretch or compress under a given load before returning to its original shape when the load is removed. Young’s modulus is typically measured in gigapascals (GPa) or psi and is a fundamental property used to describe the elastic behavior of materials.

Detailed Real-World Example: In industrial machinery, rubber components like vibration isolators or dampers are selected based on their modulus of elasticity. These components are designed to absorb and dissipate vibrations from heavy machinery, preventing these vibrations from being transmitted to the surrounding structures, which could cause damage or discomfort. For example, a rubber mount used to isolate vibrations in a large industrial compressor must have a specific modulus of elasticity that allows it to deform enough to absorb vibrations without losing its shape or function over time. If the modulus is too low, the mount may deform excessively, leading to increased wear and potential failure.

In the aerospace industry, materials used for aircraft components, such as carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRP), must have a high modulus of elasticity to maintain their shape and function under the high stresses experienced during flight. These materials must resist deformation to ensure the structural integrity of the aircraft. For example, the wings of an aircraft must remain rigid under the forces of lift and drag. A high modulus of elasticity ensures that the wings do not bend or flex excessively, which could compromise the aircraft’s aerodynamics and safety.

Elongation at Break

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Definition: Elongation at break, also known as tensile elongation on data sheets, measures how much a material can stretch before it fractures, expressed as a percentage of its original length. This property reflects the material’s ductility and flexibility, indicating its ability to withstand stretching or pulling forces. A high elongation at break suggests that the material can endure substantial deformation before breaking, making it ideal for applications that require both flexibility and toughness.

Detailed Real-World Example: In the oil and gas industry, elastomeric seals and gaskets used in pipelines are often exposed to extreme pressure and temperature changes. These seals must have a high elongation at break to ensure they can expand and contract with the pipeline without cracking. For example, O-rings made from nitrile rubber (NBR) or fluoroelastomers (FKM) must seal connections within the pipeline, even as the metal parts they are sealing expand and contract due to temperature fluctuations. A high elongation at break allows these seals to maintain a tight seal under varying conditions, preventing leaks that could lead to environmental contamination or system failure.

In the consumer goods sector, plastics with high elongation at break, like LDPE (low-density polyethylene), are used for making stretch films and plastic bags. These products need to stretch without tearing to securely wrap and protect various items. For instance, stretch films used in packaging must elongate to conform to the shape of the item they are wrapping, providing a tight and protective seal. The high elongation at break of LDPE ensures that these films can stretch significantly without breaking, providing durability and reliability during shipping and handling.

External Factors Affecting Tensile Properties

Tensile properties are not isolated characteristics—they can be influenced by various external factors. Engineers must consider how compressive forces, temperature fluctuations, chemical exposure, electrical properties, and friction can all impact a material’s tensile performance. By delving into these influences, we can better predict how materials will behave in real-world conditions and ensure the longevity and reliability of our designs. In the following sections, we’ll explore how each of these factors interacts with tensile properties, providing insights to guide material selection and application.

Compressive Forces

Impact on Tensile Properties: While tensile properties primarily measure how a material reacts to pulling forces, compressive forces can also affect these properties. Materials that are subjected to both tensile and compressive forces (such as in cyclic loading) can experience fatigue, which may reduce their tensile strength over time. Compression can lead to internal micro-cracks that weaken the material’s overall structure, making it more susceptible to breaking under tensile stress. For example, rubber seals that experience repeated compressive loads may eventually lose their tensile strength, leading to failure in sealing applications.

Mitigation Tactics

To mitigate the impact of compressive forces on tensile properties, selecting materials with high compressive strength and fatigue resistance is essential. For example, rubber compounds reinforced with carbon black or fibers can improve resistance to compressive forces, reducing the likelihood of micro-cracks forming under cyclic loads. Design adjustments can also help, such as incorporating support structures that distribute compressive stress more evenly across the material. Pre-stressing components during manufacturing is another strategy; by applying a compressive load to the material during production, the internal stresses can be balanced, making the material more resistant to further compressive loads during its service life.


Impact on Tensile Properties: Temperature can drastically alter a material’s tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, and elongation at break. At higher temperatures, materials often become more ductile, reducing tensile strength and increasing elongation. Conversely, at lower temperatures, materials can become brittle, increasing tensile strength but reducing elongation. For instance, rubber used in automotive applications must maintain its tensile properties across a wide range of temperatures. In cold climates, rubber components like seals may become brittle and lose flexibility, while in hot climates, they may soften and stretch too easily, leading to a loss of tensile strength and potential failure.

Mitigation Tactics

To mitigate these effects, it’s crucial to select materials that maintain their mechanical properties across the anticipated temperature range. For example, silicone rubbers are known for their stability at both high and low temperatures, making them ideal for automotive and industrial applications where temperature fluctuations are common. Additionally, applying thermal insulation or protective coatings can shield materials from direct exposure to extreme temperatures, preserving their tensile properties. In designs where temperature variation is inevitable, allowing for thermal expansion and contraction by incorporating expansion joints or flexible couplings can prevent stress buildup that might otherwise compromise tensile strength.


Impact on Tensile Properties: Exposure to chemicals can degrade a material’s tensile properties by causing swelling, softening, or chemical breakdown. For instance, certain rubber materials like nitrile rubber (NBR) may exhibit good tensile strength in oil-based environments but can degrade in the presence of strong acids or solvents, leading to a reduction in tensile strength and elasticity. In contrast, fluoroelastomers (FKM) are more resistant to chemicals and can maintain their tensile properties in harsh chemical environments, making them ideal for seals in chemical processing plants.

Mitigation Tactics

Selecting chemically resistant materials is key. Fluoroelastomers (FKM), for instance, offer excellent resistance to a wide range of chemicals, making them ideal for seals and gaskets in chemical processing plants. Applying protective coatings, such as PTFE or specialized chemical-resistant paints, can also serve as a barrier, preventing direct chemical contact with the material. In environments where chemical exposure is a constant risk, controlling the exposure through sealed systems or secondary containment measures can further protect the material’s tensile integrity.

Electrical Properties

Impact on Tensile Properties: While tensile properties are mechanical in nature, a material’s electrical properties can still influence its overall performance, especially in environments where electrical insulation is crucial. For instance, in electronics, plastics used for insulating wires must have both high tensile strength and good electrical insulating properties. The presence of electrical currents or static can cause localized heating, potentially altering the tensile properties of the material. Moreover, materials that conduct electricity poorly may also dissipate energy less effectively, leading to localized overheating and reduced tensile strength over time.

Mitigation Tactics

While tensile properties are primarily mechanical, a material’s electrical properties can influence its overall performance, especially in environments requiring electrical insulation. Materials like PTFE and silicone rubber, which combine good tensile strength with excellent electrical insulating properties, are ideal for applications like wire insulation. In cases where electrical currents could cause localized heating, using electromagnetic or thermal shielding can prevent overheating, which could otherwise degrade the material’s tensile properties. Additionally, designing systems with redundancy ensures that even if some degradation occurs, the overall system remains functional and safe.


Impact on Tensile Properties: Friction can lead to wear and tear on materials, especially in applications where components are in constant motion. The wear caused by friction can reduce the cross-sectional area of a material, which directly affects its tensile strength. For example, rubber gaskets that are repeatedly compressed and moved can experience surface wear due to friction, reducing their tensile strength and eventually leading to leaks. Plastics used in gears or sliding components must have high wear resistance to maintain their tensile properties over the lifespan of the product.

Mitigation Tactics

Choosing materials that are naturally wear-resistant, such as urethane rubber or certain high-performance plastics, is a primary mitigation strategy. Applying lubricants to reduce direct contact between surfaces can also minimize friction, thereby preserving the material’s tensile properties. For applications where constant motion is inevitable, surface treatments like hard coatings or texturing can reduce the friction coefficient, extending the material’s lifespan and maintaining its structural integrity.


Understanding the tensile properties of materials is crucial for selecting the right components in engineering applications, but it’s only part of the picture. In the next post, we’ll shift our focus to compressive properties, exploring concepts like compressive strength and compression set. These properties are equally important, particularly in applications where materials are subjected to pressing or squeezing forces. We’ll delve into the testing methods, key considerations, and practical implications of compressive properties, providing you with a well-rounded understanding of how different materials respond to various mechanical stresses. Stay tuned as we continue to build on these foundational concepts, helping you make the best material choices for your engineering needs.


  1. Bunsell, A.R. ed., 2009. Handbook of tensile properties of textile and technical fibres. Elsevier.
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